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Here we have collected our memories about this fantastic experience: read our texts, watch our interviews and our videos... Enjoy!

Turkish mobility

Greek mobility

Our fantastic journeys...

When someone asks me: "what is Erasmus?", I always finds it so hard to say  everything I felt.
Erasmus cannot be explained and understood... it is something that you can only feel in your heart. It  changes you and you cannot remain indifferent. Erasmus means sharing, love, equality,  it means accepting the others for the way they are. Erasmus are the memories etched in the mind, the emotions contained in one click, The tears in front of a goodbye.
It's amazing how in such a short time you meet people who leave you an indelible mark on your heart, and who are now your family.
We want to say thank you all, for making this dream come true, but the biggest thank you goes to our Latvian family, we love you guys.
This is not  a goodbye... it's  a see you soon, I grant you!!!.
Claudia Borriello Class 4A

There are no words to describe this experience and all the memories that leaves etched into the heart and soul.
Emotions in a photo, perhaps not so clear because at the very moment of shooting someone made me laugh.
Unknown people who ran into each other, and then become friends, friends you shared a great experience with.
Erasmus, however, is also a long cry in front of the farewell, the greetings to those  have changed, the hope to see each other again.
Pure joy shared with people who don't tell you bye bye "but a" see you soon ".

Days go by fast like the wind and you want to experience every moment,  because you know that everything is going to finish.
It is a life experience that makes you grow, makes you feel part of a wider communitiy, since in the end, what you really undesrtand is that, despite the distance, we all share the same feelings.

And as it is said in the movie "Welcome to the South" when you come to the South you cry twice: when you arrive and when you leave, "this happens even when you live the Erasmus.
I wish everyone to experience so meaningfully, as it was for me.
I wish you all to meet real friends, just as I did: friends that will stay forever in my heart.
I love you,my Latvian family.🇱🇻🇮🇹❤️
Thank you.❤️

Michela Garofalo  class 4H

Our days in Turkey were full of activities,but sometimes we had some free time in late afternoons or in the evenings ,after dinner.
We spent our  free time  with our host families, and according to our hosts,we could choose some places to go,or to have dinner.
For example we often went out after dinner with all the Italian/Turkish group, in a coffee  bar or in some shops or shopping centre in the city.
But our free time wasn’t only going out,but especially spending time with our hosting families.
It was so  funny and interesting to have meal with our hosts , moments where we could talk and improve our language abilities or speak about traditions of our countries.

I want to thank a lot my little Turkish bro, his family and especially his granny :) for giving me such a warm welcome...


I will never forget you all!

Luca Di Luca, Class 4F

WhatsApp Image 2019-06-27 at

In September 2019  spent a whole week in Denmark, hosted by our friends in Effterskole. What can I say about this experience.... Well travelling is  definitely growing up.

From this “big" journey , internal and external, I gained knowledge and experience.  During the trip I understood the real distance and difference between countries and cultures.  If you do not travel you won’t easily understand that, or however, I wouldn’t have. Immediately after completing my trip I felt so small, tiny, if compared to the world, to all the distances I have come across. The experience made me more responsible, more confident about myself, as if I had no more worries or thoughts. I also met some new friends; thanks to them now I can understand how important relationships between people are: when you have your family so far away you can just count on friends, you can be supported only by them. In the end, from the travel I gained a wonderful experience and unforgettable moments!

Thank you Denmark for your hospitality! I will never forget you!

Antonio Abate, class 3M


I must admit that the Erasmus experience was very special. At first I was a bit doubtful about how it could go but living it I learnt so much.

The first thing very different from our country is the weather. As soon as we landed there was a very strong wind and this was a constant throughout the trip.

I met wonderful people in Denmark, I tried new foods and learn new local traditions. The Danish students, living in a college, must be organized and rely only on themselves, something that I am not used to. Living there, almost never seeing your family is something very complicated to me but it was a very significant experience.

I have also greatly improved my relationship with the schoolmates who travelled with me, discovering beautiful personalities. In Denmark life was completely different, the day begins much earlier but also ends much earlier. The meal times were very early compared to ours and getting used to wasn’t very simple. Also thanks to this trip I have improved and not a little knowledge of the English language. But I must thank the principal and the professors who have accompanied us (in particular Mrs. Rosanna Sorrentino, without whom we would have done nothing) for the wonderful experience I lived.

It is something that doesn’t happen every day and I know that I will keep the memories forever in my heart forever.

Alfonso Gruosso 3M

Erasmus Experience.

I don't know where to start to talk about this experience. So, let's go back in time to the day when Teacher Sorrentino told me that I had been chosen to go to Denmark, at first I was very excited about the newsbut even though I was a little scared, I was looking forward to the day I had to leave Italy and now I believe that since that day, my life has changed forever. The first day we went to Copenhagen, it was wonderful, a mix of elegance and beauty and that night we met the first country, Greece. The day after the adventure started completely and at first we were all scared because everything seemed strange and different, but eventually we became a big family made up of six beautiful countries: Turkey, Denmark, Portugal, Latvia, Greece and Italy. The days passed by and I wanted more and more my adventure to never come to an end. Thanks to this experience, I realized that even the strangest activities can become the funniest ones with the right people, that there is no distance between people who love each other and that happiness is in small things, such as  being all together singing a song, when I felt my heart so happy after so long. I need to thank infinitely our professor, Mrs. Sorrentino who allowed me to live this experience, I need to thank all the countries that participated. Initially I wanted it to end soon and now I would give everything to go back in time and start all over again. Thank you Denmark, for making me a better person, and thanks to all the people I’ve met, I will carry you in my heart forever.

Francesca De Dilectis, class 3N

Who would have ever thought that my first trip abroad would have been to Denmark?

I would have thought of Spain, Austria, France, England... But instead, I found myself in a country on the northern coasts of Europe. 


I must say that Denmark is fascinating: the architecture of the capital, the structure of the various smaller villages, the numerous and vast green areas... It is really beautiful.


The detail that I liked the most is the naturalistic aspect of the country: they care so much about nature and a cleaner air that the main means of transport is the bike, while water, sometimes, is purified through particular plants. 


To be honest, if it hadn't been for this project I probably would never have been there... Besides, it also gave me the opportunity to compare myself with the other participating countries (Portugal, Latvia, Turkey, Greece and, obviously, Denmark). 

So, yes: the Erasmus project allowed me to expand my knowledge, my mind. 

It was a truly precious experience that I will keep in my heart, as well as everything that will come in the future. 

Simona Sorrentino, class 3N

When the teacher introduced Erasmus Project I was excited and really scared, because my first tought was: "I'm Not able to speak English" But I overcame this fear and I did sign up for this amazing experience... and ...yes! I was chosen to go to Greece!!! Erasmus is something you cannot describe with a few words because there are too many emotions that run into your heart during that time. I met a lot of worderful people and a loving family welcomed me making me feel at home.... just as we've known each other forever.I've met a new culture, new cuisine, new sounds.... I'm convinced that this kind of experiences helps you grow, be a better person.

This is a journey I will never forget. I want to say one more time "Thank you all!!!!" 

Hope to see you again my friends <3

                                                                                                                                  Sofyia Barabash, 3M

It's really difficult to explain all the things that happened during the  Erasmus project and all the feelings  we have  been through . This  experience was one of the best in my life, I met a lot of beautiful people and  I found out  that I  had a lot in common with them.   This experience helped me a lot also to get closer to other people from  my same school whom I didn't know well  before . I was really excited for this trip even before we went there, I really enjoyed going around in the city of Veria and seeing all the particular things they have. I really hope that in the future I will be able to do another experience like this.

                                                                                             Raffaella Felaco, 3M

I can define this experience with 3 words: fun, educational and unforgettable. 

It all started when we arrived at the Danish college to spend a week with people we  didn’t know I can’t deny that at the beginning we were a bit worried because we had to face with a totally different reality.

But soon  we managed to move on.

Also thanks to our teachers we undesrtood the real meaning of this experience when as soan as we got there we started to feel so close to the other students and to  our hosts Thanks to these people I understood a lot of things first of all I learned to appreciate people of different cultures, to share life with other, to listen without prejudices. I thank all those who allowed me to open my mind making this possible.

I hope to meet again all the  people I shored so much with and that one day I could do this experience again. 

Thank you my friends. I will never forget you

                                                                                                         Angela Cirillo, 3M

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