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Let's start

To start the action, it is necessary to know how things are going. That's why we prepared a survey on our common habits about the water consuption


To see it, follow the link by clicking on the hand 


And here are the results of our investigation






Many suggestions were proposed to improve the situation:

It's your turn to think! Can we save water? How?

And here are the answers...

Of course we can... For example, in order not to waste the cold water that comes out of the tap or shower head while waiting for it to warm up, we can collect it in a bucket and then water the plants or pour it into the toilet instead of flushing the toilet.


To save more water for example we can turn off the water while brushing our teeth or, for the men, turn off the water while shaving.


When you are waiting for the water to warm up you could use that water to fill a bucket, with that extra water you could water the plants. Sometimes when my mother mops the floor she uses the remaining water to flush the toilet.


Save water by turning off the taps. While you brush your teeth, wash your hands, wash the dishes and so on, turn off the tap.


We could try to preserve the waste of water by trying to turn off the tap during the travel of the teeth, of the dishes, during the shower or to limit the baths in the bathtubs.


i think that we can save more water if we do less washing machine, filling them completely

Using water used to cook to water the garden


We can save water starting from the little things. We can turn off the tap while we soap and make our showers last less.


yes, I can save more water by always closing the tap and the shower


we can use the same water we rinse fruit and vegetables with to water the garden too


I think that the most important thing to so is to pay attention. To think about what we are doing and to think how much water we don't really need. When we wash our hands or when we brush our teeth. Also if we have to wash the dishes we don't always have to use the dishwasher, same with the washing machine. The fact is that we have too many things now days, but sometimes we have to think if we really need them


To close water when you wash teeth


Is important use water in useful way, we don’t have to waste a lot of water for example is better have a shower instead of make a bath


Install low flow shower heads and faucets, or faucet aerators. Low flow dispensers are inexpensive. Most simply need to be screwed in place. Quality and modern ones retain the pressure and feel of an abundant flow of water, yet use less than half of it


I think we can save more water when we have shower. For example putting in the shower a bucket that collects water instead let it flows. We can use that water for our garden or use it as a flush


We just need to pay attention to the water dripping, to close the gap while we are lathering and not to waste it.


We can also collect it in different ways, as closing well everything or use our electrodomestic only if they are fill.


I think that we can safe more water. Just with the little things: closing the water after making careful use, reuse water that is not dirty for anything else. For example the water of the conditioners to wash the floor,always drink the water from the bottles and do not waste it, etc...


Use a pressure reducer to save water


Close the water tap while you're washing your teeth


Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth- Fix a dripping tap


Turn off the tap when you're brushing your teeth


By using specialized equipment that can make you save more water during the daily life.


choosing the shower instead of taking a bath is definitely a big step. but saving water is essential even if it may seem an sometimes difficult action: turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, or recycling the water to water the plants, or still not wasting unnecessary time under the mouth are small gestures which could however radically change the situation!


We can take a shower instead of a bath, turn off the water while shaving or brushing your teeth. If we wash our dishes with hands, don't leave the water running.


When you clean the floor you must fill only one bucket. Pay attention if your toilet leaks water. Use your washing machine only if it is fully loaded. Have a shower instead of a bath. Clean your car with a bucket instead of flowing water.


We can use filter to purify tap water and make it more flavorful and drink it instead of buying bottles of water. Also we can collect rain drops, distill and storage them for later uses.


We can save water every day by paying attention to small things. We can turn off the tap while doing another thing or while brushing our teeth. Recycle the water and use it to wash the ground and much more.


Try to contain unnecessary water consumption and install cisterns that collect and purify water in order to reuse it.


We can use the water used for cooking for watering the garden.


We can recycle rain water,close the tap when we are brushing our teeth or when we do a shower.


It is necessary not to forget that water is a precious "common" good, so it is important not to act selfishly. Besides, we own less water than we could imagine... Fresh water is not as widespread as saltwater, and without it of course we would die. So, in addition to the methods that have already been listed, to save water there are many things that we could do, for example just don’t waste water when we brush our teeth, or, for those who don’t have a dishwasher in the house, when we wash the dishes we can fill a basin where the dishes will be washed with water and soap, so as not to let the water flow unnecessarily. Also in the case of the washing machine you could use a basin, so as to hand wash the smaller sized clothes, such as underwear, without having to waste a large amount of water as would happen with the washing machine (is more recommended for large clothing, sheets, puppets, etc.). These are just three options, but actually for every single use we have of water there’s a way to waste less. It is very important to keep that in mind... And implement: every single contribution is worth more than we can imagine.


yes, I can save more water, for example when I lathering myself in the shower, I turn off the tap while I brush my teeth and then turn it back on to rinse. i can save more wather I can save more water when I take a shower, I could make it last as little as possible


I think we can save more water in simple ways like close it during shower while we soap our selves.

save the water you use to boil the pasta and use it to water plants

You can save more water by collecting water while it turns hot for the shower


I think all of us have to pay more attention while using water, because lots of small actions can make the difference.


I think we could save more water with simple things, like close the water while we are having a shower or while we are washing our teeth, it's simple and we can do it easily


When you’re waiting for the shower’s water to become warm, remember to collect the water that flows from it into a “container” and then use it to flush your toilet next time you use it

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